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Rivina Humilis Dog blood bush & Blue Vervain Tea bags

Regular price $58.00 AUD
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The combination of Dog blood bush & Vervain is excellent for cleansing the woman's reproductive system, regulate menstrual cycle, and aids with conception.

1 Tea bag per 8oz of water.
Steep for 5-10 minutes and enjoy!!!

Dog Blood Bush: (Rivina Humilis), also called pigeonberry, blood berry, rouge plant, baby pepper, coralito and fertility bush, is a species of flowering plant in the family Petiveriaceae. Very commonly used and found in the Caribbean, Central America, and tropical South America.

The Dog Blood bush is a powerful and potent womb healer that support female reproductive health and fertility, and is traditionally used to help flush the female reproductive system and aid hormone balance.

Dog blood is also useful in treating headaches, inflammation of the stomach, inflamed joints and other areas of the body which may be inflamed. The herb may also be used as herbal bath and this can also treat the skin ailments as well.

Vervain is used to treat the liver and diseases related to the liver, exhaustion, fatigue, fever, poor circulation, insomnia, asthma, post-natal depression, as well as painful or irregular menses.

It will also help increase the flow of a mother's milk. The Chinese use it to treat malaria, dysentery, and congestion. it is also a pain reliever and is used to reduce inflammation.


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We are not medical professionals and can't advise anyone on any medical matters. Please consult your medical practitioner prior to use.